You really do spend a lot of time trying to debate with me. LOL I think you gave your opinion about this specific election on other occasions. I think you were the one who said we need to crash and burn to teach us a lesson. Kind of like the 30 some years after Spain crashed and ended up with their dictator of the last century, Franco.
You might get your wish.
But the fact remains that crashing and burning is not a strategy. You've gotta fight smart instead. Hoping that everyone will suffer more than they need to just so you can teach them a lesson is a piss poor message.
What the republicans have accomplished took over thirty years of perservence and using every devious trick in the book that they could. They never had to crash and burn either. They remained united and are proof positive that when a country is facing dire times, the winners are always the ones who managed to stick together. It's in between the elections that things are done, steady progress is made. You don't get to redesign your party during an election year and then expect to find yourself in the lead when the voting has ended.
As you've pointed out many times in your own writing, you talk bluntly and that's your forte. I'll give you that. Let's leave it like this In the future, now that we both know where we stand, you don't need to come into my space and try and convert me. I already know what you're going to say. It's overkill now. Although I 've got to add, you must be somewhat taken with me because I know you write a lot and want to write books as well, but you give up precious time quite often to respond to my articles. I must be making an impression.