Will America Resort to Concentration Camps in the Near Future?
Our Past Is a Good Indicator
Whatever happened to the children who were separated at the border from their parents? Most of us have been too busy to give them much thought for several years.
Where are they now?
Many Americans were devastated by the policy that took children away from illegal parents who were caught crossing the border. I was one of them. It kept me awake at night. Children who couldn’t speak the language, had no money, no understanding of our culture, and had zero ability to defend themselves were taken from their parents and sent to detention camps to fend for themselves. Record keeping was poor and consequently, many of these children were lost in the chaos.
I’ve read that even though this policy was implemented for only a short period, there were possibly as many as 5000 children subjected to a form of brutality that sends chills down my spine.
In light of this appalling event, it’s pretty easy for me to say yes to the question, could America resort to concentration camps in the future? Yes! Yes, we could.
Remember the Japanese internment camps during World War II?
Between 1942 and 1945 a total of 10 camps were opened. Ugh! There were about 120,000 Japanese Americans rounded up and shoved into 10 camps located in California, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Arkansas.
It’s a hard pill to swallow.
In 1942, the Federal War Relocation Authority (WRA) was established. Its mission? People of Japanese descent were taken into custody, relocated to detention camps. and prevented from buying land.
Many lost everything.
It’s not solely a Democrat nor a Republican propensity to do bad things to helpless people who have been targeted as political scapegoats. We were fighting Nazis while using some of their tactics to terrorize a targeted group of our own back home.
If you’ve fallen for the propaganda that says America is the greatest country in the world, then you’re either uneducated, stupid, or have chosen to live your life with your head up your ass.
America is a world power that has done and continues to commit horrendous crimes. If you think you’re safe from being arrested for entertaining an unpopular point of view, think again.
Remember McCarthyism, also known as the Second Red Scare?
It was a political era of repression and persecution of left-wing individuals. The campaign was designed to spread the fear of communism and Soviet influence. It took place after World War II. Senator McCarthy devised a method for destroying people’s reputations by making unfounded allegations. Ultimately, defamation of character ruined people’s lives. The entire campaign was a rabid attempt to root out communist sympathizers based on unfounded accusations.
He failed to make a case that stuck against anyone.
But his reign of terror inspired many Americans to become suspicious of one another. It was very divisive, creating chaos, and ruining the lives and livelihoods of many.
The emotional response by the general public was just as damaging.
Americans are easily led astray. Propaganda is extremely successful at stirring up undeserved loyalties. When people see things in print or hear things in speeches over and over again, they tend to believe it. Stirring up hatred and fear always ends up creating societal breakdown.
Humans seem to need someone to hate.
Don’t ever think for one moment that we have to go back to the days of slavery or The Trail of Tears to find American crimes against humanity. Today, we are still as ruthless as they come. We’re a religious nation without a heart. It’s the easiest thing in the world to rile us up.
Once our blood is boiling, we’re not only cruel but also completely self-righteous.
Our biggest sinners become saints and are given the power by the people to do whatever they want, to hurt whomever they choose, to kill whomever they hate, to destroy the lives of whomever they please.
Yes, concentration camps, separation of children from their parents, detention camps, and the police knocking on our doors in the middle of the night can easily happen again. And when it does, your neighbor will either cheer as they haul you away in a police car or hide in fear of retaliation for being a sympathizer.
This is who we are and always have been.
Teresa is an author and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.