Why Would You Be Rooting for the Persecution of Others?
You are the Reason We Can’t Leave Our Children a Peaceful World
Donald Trump signed off on multiple executive orders impacting the LGBTQ+ community and migrants within 24 hours of his inauguration.
I grew up in a household with an abusive father. To say that human cruelty bothered me is an understatement; it made me lose sleep. My mother had to hide the newspaper from me if there was a story about someone hurting a child, a dog, or anyone else; otherwise, I would be incapacitated for some time to the point of losing sleep.
As a little girl, I stood up to the bullies.
I even confronted my father when he beat my little sister. I knew it was at great risk to myself, but I couldn’t endure standing in the other room listening to her scream. I stood up to the playground bully when he taunted and tormented the designated outcast of our class. I could not endure cruelty. I even challenged the cult members of my dad’s church. They, too, beat their little ones if they couldn’t sit quietly through a long service. I’m talking about wee ones as young as seven months old.
All in the name of God, mind you.
I often stood alone, but that didn’t stop me. My mom didn’t stand up with me to protect my little sister. My friends didn’t stand up with me on the playground. The other cult members didn’t stand up with me to protect their own children. I left the church as soon as I was old enough to fend for myself.
Humans need other humans to believe that all life is worth love and acceptance; otherwise, what’s the point of being alive if the only thing we have to look forward to is cruelty and hate?
If what’s happening in this country doesn’t turn your stomach, if it doesn’t keep you awake at night, then there’s something missing in you. You are the reason we have brutal wars. You are the reason oppressive governments thrive. You are the reason religion doesn’t make you a better person. You are the reason cruelty thrives in a world where love, acceptance, and sincere support of one another are desperately needed.
Life is hard, but humans make it even harder on one another than it needs to be.
I’m disappointed in so many acquaintances who remain unmoved by the suffering of others. In fact, you terrify me. We should be living in a country that no longer singles out groups of people to persecute.
Would you hurt me because I stand up for the underdog?
That’s how people like me become martyrs. It takes people like you who allow, even root for minority groups to be singled out by the bullies. You may not throw the stone, but you’re happy to let someone else do it for you.
This is not a country where freedom thrives.
This is becoming an oppressive, terrifying place to live. If you’re sitting in your house watching TV and cheering for Trump’s long list of hateful goals, then you’re missing a very important piece of the human experience — empathy.
If there is a God, He needs to step in and heal your hard heart.
Teresa is an author and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.