Why Don’t Republicans Like America?

Teresa Writer
4 min readJan 11, 2024


The sun is setting on America.

Why? I want to know. What do Republicans mean when they say America is the greatest country in the world? I’m confused. I can’t figure this out. It seems to me that Republicans hate almost everything about America.

Do you remember the phrase “first world country”?

Although it once referred to those countries that aligned with NATO and the United States following the Cold War, the meaning of the term has changed. Today, a first-world country refers to industrialized and developed nations. These countries enjoy higher literacy rates, longer life spans, and greater GDP per capita in comparison to other nations. Social welfare, stable economies, a free press, and a highly developed and easily accessible healthcare system provide a thriving modern life for the citizens of “first world countries”.

Sounds like a place I’d like to call home. How about you?

Yet, so many of the above institutions are deliberately being undermined by the Republican Party. There’s a fervor amongst the far right that is antagonistic toward what once was considered our strong points as a country.

What do Republicans love about the supposed “greatest country in the world”?

Public education? Health care? Social programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security? Are they particularly proud of our universities, scientists, free thinkers, and scholars? What about the US Post Office? Do Republicans even want to see these societal strongholds flourish? What about National Parks, land treasures of our nation? Or how about our infrastructure? Once, we built public roads across America for the first time, making it possible for the US to function like a nation. Now it seems Republicans loathe any government money spent on improving, updating, and maintaining the infrastructures that make modern life possible in all countries.

This open dislike and deep distrust for everything that makes not just our country function on a higher level but all “first world countries” shine is chipping away at our advanced status. Without an educated workforce, we will not be able to compete with other advanced countries. Without a highly evolved infrastructure, we will not only lose our cherished modern lifestyle but also begin to lose our ability to keep up with what is quickly becoming the new definition of a first world country — a digital, virtual world run by a strong AI presence.

Yet, Republicans hate education, mistrust scientists, loathe the CDC, mistrust doctors, want to destroy universities, despise social institutions that have given ordinary people a measure of security and hope, and are reluctant to update our broken infrastructures.

For the love of their favorite god, they don’t even like the US Post Office or our beautiful National Parks.

So what do they like about their country which they loudly proclaim is the greatest country in the world?

Well, some will say “freedom” while others insist it is a country founded on Christianity. A select few, however, are interested in privatization above all else. Maybe not the average run-of-the-mill Republican who has no hope in hell of one day becoming wildly rich. No, they’re generally wrapped up in the emotionally charged issues that the party leaders keep dangling in front of their eyes. You know things like guns, abortion, and the LGBTQ community.

But those Republicans have no idea that they’re being manipulated in order to advance a much bigger cause. Oh, no! There’s a select group of Republicans like the Koch brothers, the 1% billionaires, and those politicians who are carrying out the wishes of the shadow lords who have set much greater goals for themselves than guns, god, and abortion.

The people who are manipulating the party don’t give a shit about abortion, guns, or god for that matter. So what is their goal? They hate anything that isn’t privatized. Be it schools, health care, post office, or national parks, they want it all privatized. All of it. It will benefit them and they have longed for decades to alter the course of America.

It’s all about money. America has always been about money. Money is our god.

If Republicans aren’t careful, they might get what they want. Oh, it’ll feel like a big win at first, but little by little as we lose our first world status even those who championed the big boys will begin to miss the good old days.

If we regress to a third-world country status — you know, countries that are defined by high poverty rates, lack of resources, and unstable financial standing, dissatisfaction will emerge and take over. Eventually, a revolution of the people will take hold because historically when the elite take over, the masses eventually wake up. It took a couple hundred years to get where we are today but something tells me that regression will be much easier and faster.

Maybe then Republicans will change their definition of greatness.

Teresa is an author and committed myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.



Teresa Writer
Teresa Writer

Written by Teresa Writer

Teresa is an author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. She’s also a top writer on climate change and the future.

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