Why Do We Have Children?

Teresa Writer
9 min readJun 27, 2022


Why is the government interested in our breeding habits?

End of another day in America. (my photo)

Even when things look grim, everyone you know is worried and stressed, and we believe we’re on the verge of extinction, humans keep having babies.

Furthermore, when anyone dares to mention that maybe, just maybe, it’s time to rethink bringing children into this gloomy old world, people turn around and become very defensive.

Trust me, I know. I have two grown children of my own and one grandchild. Me! A person who escaped a horrible childhood in a religious cult, I still had kids. Even after I was disowned by my family when I left the cult at the tender age of 18, I quickly found a man, got married, and had a baby.

It makes no sense.

Ok. I get it. From a purely biological standpoint, yes, it makes perfect sense. To ensure that our species survives the onslaught of Mother Nature, we’re wired to procreate. It’s an instinctual drive. So, keep those babies coming.

Maybe we’re little more than animals.

We run from danger, hoard food, kill other species, and struggle to live yet another day. We also breed like rabbits, only to see our offspring die from disease or war or get eaten by a predator. There’s not much difference between humans and the other animals in the kingdom.

We’re supposed to be the superior species.

We have big brains and small hands. Those two attributes make us uniquely designed for greatness and give us dominion over all other life forms on the planet. We can do anything we want to them. Eat them, kill them just for passing through our yards, or destroy their homes and food whenever we please. We’ve made it our business to rule the rest of the animal kingdom with an iron fist. There are many other reasons we keep reproducing, regardless of how much we complain about our hardships. We sure do complain a lot, too.

We’re trained to have children.

We’re told that without reproducing, life would be meaningless, even though a huge percentage of people aren’t even good parents. Maybe you had a set of parents that were piss poor at parenting. I did. I had to do more damage control than I’m sure I was equipped to do, but I managed to survive. Whew! Am I ever glad to be out of that mess.

Life isn’t good for lots and lots of children all over the world.

Many lead desperate lives because they have no voice whatsoever. Parents are not just inept but self-centered, burdened with their problems, or cruel. Unfortunately, a lot of kids are abandoned by their fathers. Single mothers have carried the lion’s share of raising kids whose dads weren’t around while they were growing up. It turns out that men are pretty self-indulgent. They’re proud sperm donors, but sometimes that’s it. They breed because they love sex and believe they deserve sex but aren’t around to take care of their offspring. I doubt they suffer much remorse either.

And, hey, why should they feel guilty?

Who holds them accountable for their actions? They may be required to pay child support, but let’s face it, they got off easy. In the past, when they did stick around, most dads still didn’t spend much time with their children. Society didn’t expect them to do much else but earn a living, mow the lawn, and wash the car. When they did take care of their kids, it was called babysitting.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many piss-poor mothers as well.

Just because they get stuck with caring for the kids doesn’t mean they all enjoy it. If I had a dime for every grown-ass person who told me how horrible their moms were to them when they were little, I’d be able to fund my next vacation.

If a woman is a bad mother, that’s one thing, but often she’s also bad at picking surrogate dads. It’s a double whammy. Many Uncle Petes pass through the lives of unsuspecting children. They hurt mom or worse the kids, and before you know it, she drags another Uncle Pete in to take the place of the first Uncle Pete. It’s one bad surrogate dad after another until, finally, the children are old enough to get the hell out of Dodge City.

If you’re squirming in your seat right now, then I’m not sorry.

A big problem in this old world is that we have no-talk rules that insist we keep our mouths shut about the poor behavior of mothers and fathers. No one can come to our aid because of, uh, um, you know, the sanctity of the home.

Remember the phrase, sanctity of the home?

It was invented to protect a man’s right to run his household any way he pleases. No one messes with a man’s god-given rights. Historically, children had no protection. If they survived their upbringing, it was by sheer luck.

Did you know that the Humane Society was formed before any agencies to protect children?

This problem was exposed in New York City when a woman suspected a neighbor girl’s parents were mistreating her. She didn’t know what to do, so she reported it to the Humane Society. She had no idea where else to go. Even police at the time were highly reluctant to interfere in the sanctity of another man’s home.

Still squirming?

I bet you know someone who had parents who hurt them. Maybe it was you or your cousin or a school chum? We all know someone that had creepy parents. It’s as common as rain.

With today’s divorce rates, children are often spared having to live under the roof with two parents who hate each other, but they’re still traumatized by it all. A fear of abandonment is common in children. After all, they have no power over their own lives. They are completely dependent upon their parents.

Of course, we mustn’t forget how important breeding is to our government. It needs workers and soldiers.

Propaganda encourages couples to have kids. Not that the government gives two shits about children, because they don’t, except that children grow up to do the dirty work for the elite.

So why am I airing humanity’s dirty laundry?

If you haven’t noticed, they want us to have babies again. They’re worried that brown people will outnumber white people, so our government is trying to enforce breeding. Roe v Wade is dead, and now they’re coming for your birth control.

Why is this even necessary?

Isn’t the world overpopulated? Yes, it is but not with the right people. We could take in plenty of refugees with babies who would happily work in our fields and even fight our wars, but they’re not the right people. As much as we say we love babies in this country, we don’t mean all babies. We mean white babies. The rest can starve or get killed in wars or even get aborted. We won’t lift a finger to bring them across our borders.

Unfortunately, for our government, young Americans are producing fewer children later in life or none at all.

It seems that more and more people are questioning whether they even want to be parents. They have lots of reasons for choosing to have so few children or none at all. Many feel complete without a family. Others want to travel or build a solid career. Many feel they can’t afford children. Still, others are convinced that climate change and the state of the world make bringing children into this world risky. They claim that it’s a selfish thing to do.

Hasn’t it always been risky to have children, you might ask?

Yes, it has, but we’re more self-aware today than we used to be two or three generations ago. We’ve learned a whole bunch of things that past generations didn’t know. We learned that secondhand smoke harmed our kids, that we needed a lot of money to raise them, that cars without seat belts killed our kids, and expensive medical care could bankrupt us. The more we learned, the more responsibility we had, and the harder it became to choose to have a kid.

People in the past didn’t know much.

They did a lot of breeding without much thought to the consequences, but life is finally changing for the better. We now have better birth control. Women make more money. Many people have more opportunities and autonomy. We’re learning how to make personal choices.

Personal choices. Now there’s a thought. In my opinion, knowing that I have the right to make choices that improve my life is the basis of freedom. I get to decide what’s best for me. Not the church or the government or even my parents once I’m grown. People are beginning to understand the whole concept of personal freedom in a way that our ancestors couldn’t. Modern society has provided more and more people with opportunities from which to choose.

That’s a sign that we’re evolving.

Having children isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be. We suspected that when we watched our parents raise us. It’s the toughest job you’ll ever experience. We’re starting to understand that at last, too. And because we’re the animal with the big brain and the small hands, more and more of us want to make better decisions. We want to be better parents. We want to decide when or if to have children.

We want our children to grow up to be better equipped to make the right choices for themselves.

Most of all, we want fewer children to come into this world to suffer at the hands of unfit parents, governments, and world problems. We don’t need an overpopulated world filled with grownups who were broken long before their brains were fully developed.

Maybe we’re starting to understand that life isn’t precious for lots of people and in many cases it’s our fault.

We’re the ones who drop bombs on children as they sleep in their beds. We’re the ones who refuse to feed children. It’s humans that beat their kids and lock them in closets, leave them in hot cars, and refuse to protect them from predators. Children aren’t safe going to school or going home in many cases. What’s so precious about that?

We create life and then destroy life all the time.

Protecting a bit of cells from being aborted is the easy part. It merely allows us to pretend that we respect life. But we don’t really think killing is wrong. Not at all. We’re a warring, executing, polluting species that lacks empathy when real suffering looks us right in the eye. We turn our heads at best and wield the saber at worst. We’ve been killing and plundering for centuries and centuries.

Men give life and take it away because they think they’re gods.

The picture is becoming a little clearer for the self aware, because we’re evolving. Some of us are, that is. We have people in power who want to drag us back into the good old bad old days when we blew cigarette smoke in our children’s faces.

But we’re evolving whether they like it or not.

Evolution is a slow process but even though we’re moving at a snail’s pace, we’re moving. Let’s keep moving in the right direction. Let’s refuse to listen to these assholes who are trying to force people to have babies against their better judgement. Let’s concentrate instead on creating a better world for every living person that’s already here.

These old, greedy, racist world leaders are not interested in children, especially yours and mine, except to exploit them as soon as they have a chance.

Let’s leave them behind where they belong, in the deep dark ignorance of our ancestors. Let’s say goodby to them, drive away, refusing to take a look in the rear view mirror. We’ve got work to do. It’s time for societies to evolve to the next level.

Let’s make life precious for everyone. Let’s put our money where our mouths are for the first time in the history of humankind.

Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.



Teresa Writer
Teresa Writer

Written by Teresa Writer

Teresa is an author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. She’s also a top writer on climate change and the future.

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