Who is the Big THEY Behind Conspiracy Theories?

Teresa Writer
5 min readNov 29, 2021


THEY don’t want you to know this!

THEY are coming for our guns. THEY want to take away our freedom. THEY are trying to control us. THEY are working together to destroy the world.

Who are these dark characters collaborating behind the scenes to control us?

Apparently, THEY don’t honor borders nor depend on us for much of anything. THEY have one thing in common. THEY want to destroy us. Yet, like the gods who never show their faces, THEY stay hidden from our view.

So what am I to deduce from what I’ve read or heard on the internet about these dark, shadowy creatures?

Where do I go to find information? Apparently, there are ordinary people among us who have cracked the code. They’ve become self-appointed message bearers desperate to save mankind from the inevitable.

I can find them on their own self-published podcasts, in livingrooms in Mississippi, behind the protection of facebook groups, or even next door in a midwest town. They have garnered a very detailed account of these deep state villians including their motives, timelines, possible next moves, and affiliations.

These believers are sometimes liberals but are just as easily far right sympathizers. They often have a ring leader who they confer to on a regular basis, a person that they FOLLOW online and that’s where they get most if not all of their information.

The above sorta defines conspiracy theorists regardless of which theory they’ve bought into. But what commonalities do the dark THEYs share?

Well, THEY seem to rarely work alone. Often THEY are powerful people from all over the world who enjoy a lifestyle that goes way beyond the life of the rich and the famous. These people don’t care much about notoriety. Their mission is tied almost entirely to shaping the world. Furthermore, even though THEY have been working behind the scenes for centuries, THEY have managed to remain unnamed.

Conspiracy theorists sometimes take a stab at naming one or two, but it is never proven. THEY continue to remain unseen just like the demons that religious folks blame for many of their personal shortcomings. A fair number of invisible demons have apparently tricked a lot of well-meaning people.

THEY also seem to have mastered the art of cooperation.

Something that humans at large continue to fail at doing on a regular basis. These super villians from across the planet work together without borders or cultural interference. THEY are so focused on the mission that THEY can work together in a way that most of us should envy because it strengthens their power.

Just think what we could accomplish if we took a page from their manual.

I mean we still struggle to make a marriage between two people who love each other work. No wonder cooperation between two countries to reach mutual goals is almost impossible. Even Elon Musk has been married three times, twice to the same woman. We self sabotage regardless of our big brains.

THEY, however, continue to evade us century after century.

THEY are discreet and uninterested in taking credit for their accomplishments. That rules out most politicans and religious leaders in my humble opinion.

The big THEY that I see referenced almost every time that I read the comments following a news story on social media are as devious as a devil and as hard to track down as any god I’ve ever read about. They have supernatural powers, unlimited resources, mimic intelligent design, and have a deplorable track record for not giving a shit about our problems.


Now, there’s a part of me that would sorta like to believe that people from all over the globe could actually cooperate to accomplish mutual goals like the infamous THEY do.

I mean we are one world whether we want to believe it or not. And, when we step back and view this planet from outer space, clearly we see no borders. But so far in our current phase of evolution, cooperation at that level is quite limited making relationships between two people or two countries very tricky.

Plus, humans being humans, there’s always someone who wants to take credit for the tiniest accomplishment let alone something BIG. In fact, a lot of people in power actually take credit for things they had absolutely no hand in. And, the masses let them do it.

I guess by now, you’ve figured out that I’m not keen on conspiracy theories nor gods and demons for that matter.

I view conspiracy theorists a good bit like religious people who blame the devil for their shortcomings and an all powerful god for their helplessness. THEY are easy to blame. It distracts us from fixing real problems that go unsolved for generations. It gets us off the hook. We can sit back and blame the shadowy creatures across the planet who are collaborating behind the scenes to shape the world.

But here’s the deal!

We don’t need hidden sociopaths from a third dimension, be they humans or demons, to muck up the world.

We have enough fumbling idiots, overly ambitious politicians, closed-minded religious leaders, greedy governments, and poorly-informed, ignorant people to mess things up for everyone for generations to come. Much of what ails us is as obvious as the proverbial emperor with no clothes. Everyone sees his dong. Even the Emperor can see it when he looks down.

Instead we turn our gaze away from reality.

It’s so much easier to seek an obscure explanation for our problems. The fact that we can’t prove our conspiracy theories also comes in handy. We may not like the world we’ve inherited but at least it isn’t our fault that it’s such a shit show. THEY did it. Not US.

Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.



Teresa Writer
Teresa Writer

Written by Teresa Writer

Teresa is an author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. She’s also a top writer on climate change and the future.

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