What Makes Humans Give Their Freedom Away?
Only to Eventually Want It Back
Just a thought, but is there a cycle that repeats itself with the rise of authoritarian governments?
It seems to go something like this. “The people” fight to become liberated, ensure personal freedom, and expand equality. Then, after making progress, they turn around and hand it all back to the powers that be.
How is this possible?
I’ve been sitting at my computer today trying to think this through. My thoughts are a jumbled mess because one disturbing news story after another makes me agitated and anxious. My brain kicks into gear generating too many thoughts to control. But when it comes to human behaviors, I’ve always wondered what makes people do what they do. We often make no sense at all. We even seem inclined to self-sabotage. Here’s a thought I gleaned over morning coffee …
No demagogue has the power to do damage without a body of followers who support him unconditionally.
They don’t have to be the majority nor do they have to be right. They simply need to UNITE and with that comes “the power of the people”. The people give the authoritarian leader unlimited power and that’s how freedoms that were once hard-won victories are lost and regression becomes the norm. It’s a cycle where human behaviors are more predictable than prophecies.
In fact, we could use this predictable behavior to prepare for the next demagogue but we can’t seem to learn from history.
The leaders aren’t the problem. “The people” are the problem. People all across America are suffering not because of Trump, but because our neighbors, friends, relatives, and colleagues are giving it all away. A portion of the population has united and every victory that they have ensures their unification will be even stronger. They’re winning and it makes them feel powerful because they are powerful. When they get their demagogue in office, they will THINK they’ve won something amazing.
As their freedoms slip away, they won’t recognize what’s happening until it’s too late.
Suddenly, the cycle begins again. The discontent grows. “The people” start to protest. New coalitions are formed and as they unite they become stronger until eventually they overthrow the demagogue and begin to rebuild the society they once had.
The cycle doesn’t happen quickly, however.
It evolves over decades which in and of itself is devastating to contemplate. There’s a good chance that I won’t live long enough to see things cycle back to what they once were let alone move our society down the road to experience progress.
I wish it weren’t so, but wishing is a waste of time.
Teresa is an author and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.