We Shouldn’t Have an Immigrant Problem?
When the Religious Could Save the Day for Millions
You’d think with so many devout, religious people all across the planet; we’d finally be living in a kinder and gentler world. Compassion should be flowing. Respect for the sanctity of life should be abundant. Empathy should be driving decisions and policies. After all, that’s what we expect heaven or paradise to be like when we die. Part of the reward of serving a god is to live for eternity without ever having to suffer again. Why isn’t that beautiful idea working on this planet?
Why must we wait until we die to give it a try? Inquiring minds want to know. I want to know.
It makes no sense that an atheist like myself should feel the pain and suffering of other humans in my own body while many of the religious seem hellbent on excluding, punishing, or ignoring the plight of refugees all over the world.
Hey, servants of the lord, whoever your lord is, the refugee situation is going to get a lot worse — soon.
Why aren’t you working on a detailed plan for how to house, feed, and eventually employ the millions of people who need your help? You’re not here to acquire material wealth. You’re here to extend a hand of charity to those who need it. Why not put your money where your mouth is and start insisting on clearing the way for all the precious lives, men, women, and children, who need our help?
I’m not just talking to Christians.
Of course, I’m most familiar with Christianity because it’s the #1 religion in the United States. Although I’ve read that the number of Americans who attend church has fallen significantly, the newer version of Christians continue to promote their idea of positive living as a kind of spirituality. So, I think there are plenty of people left who, if they practiced what they preached, could make a difference.
The truth is, from the beginning of organized religion, the devout have turned their backs on others who desperately need help. I’m just saying …
If we want to do something right, good, and worthy of our attention as human beings, solving the refugee problem is a great place to begin. In fact, as religions go, it’s the only place to devote one’s time. Everything else is bullshit. The rules and regs and intense attention to things like building churches or praying for prosperity are selfish nonsense.
Help us out, Christians.
It’s high time. It’s long overdue. Unite and use your strength in numbers to change the world for the better. It’s ridiculous that there’s three churches down the street from me. Three! I mean what a waste of resources. And what about sacrificing for the good of all. You don’t need another car, a lake house, vacations, or anything else to be worthy of paradise one day. All you need is compassion and a willingness to extend a helping hand to those in need.
And no, I can’t explain why I woke up this morning thinking about refugees.
I’m not religious, but I’m human, and I can see what’s coming. I think we need to concentrate our efforts on offering solutions to the emerging crisis rather than arguing about the interpretation of scripture. Because with or without religion, humans helping other humans is the only way to get things done.
No god has ever fed a hungry child.
The suffering of humanity should no longer be ignored. It’s bizarre that we can see so much suffering and not be moved. That should concern us. That’s a sign of something lacking in our hearts and souls.
Maybe we lack god in our lives or maybe we simply have so little empathy that the selfish gene always wins.
Teresa is an author and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.