United We Stand

Teresa Writer
3 min readFeb 1, 2023


But We Usually Choose Division

Working together ups our chances of survival (my photo)

Think about this!

By sheer numbers, we outnumber the powers that be and always have. Yet, we don’t seem to appreciate the power those numbers give us. We easily squander any chance we have to improve our situation because we can’t or won’t unite.

Strange, isn’t it?

We seem to better grasp the value of unity when an outside enemy is threatening our survival. Our emotions are driven by the “us against them’ mentality. Before we know it, we’re fighting another war. But when it comes to solving internal problems, we simply aren’t able to get behind the cause. So, a solution to the problem is either delayed or worst case scenario never even considered.

We even lose sight of which problem we’re facing and become distracted by a myriad of other issues that keep us from focusing.

This phenomenon is just one of the many things that make human behaviors predictable. By that I mean almost every damn time, group dynamics produce the same outcomes. Rather than unite against those in power, we end up turning our wrath and dissatisfaction upon our own kind. The downtrodden remain in a dismal situation often because they won’t help each other out.

In fact, they often refuse the hand that is trying to help them.

I’m not a psychologist but I daresay that a psychologist could predict how things are going to turn out by merely relying upon what they know about human behaviors. That’s why history repeats itself. That’s why people try to change things by doing the same thing over and over and are surprised when instead they get the same results they always got.

That’s why a martyr for a cause can’t inspire enough people to take a united front.

That’s why every kingdom down through history has eventually fallen.

That’s why we keep having wars rather than explore new ways of solving conflict.

That’s why problems become enmeshed in our culture, and we just learn to live with them. We see no way out. It becomes the norm. We think this is as good as it gets.

We have the numbers. If only we could unite.

But we can’t. So, the powers that be resort to finding ways to divide us. Why not? It’s an effective strategy. If we’re divided, they continue to rule. They know that.

It’s the common man and woman who remain ignorant of what’s going on.

You can’t help people who refuse to be helped. No matter how much empathy you may have. No matter how good the plan. No matter how much sense the proposal makes. You can’t help people. They’ll vote against their own best interest. They’ll turn on you even if you’re willing to be crucified for the cause. They’ll argue and fight amongst themselves as chaos and confusion abounds. Soon they won’t even remember what they’re fighting about.

They’re driven purely by emotion not logic. So, the story repeats itself.

Humans are creative and inventive. They have the capacity to solve problems in a multitude of ways. But humans are also wired to react in certain ways and for the most part aren’t very self-aware.

Sadly, we are our own worst enemy.

Teresa is an author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.



Teresa Writer
Teresa Writer

Written by Teresa Writer

Teresa is an author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. She’s also a top writer on climate change and the future.

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