The responsible thing to do has always been to not have children unless you are ultra prepared to take care of them. And even then, it is a rather selfish endeavor that has nothing to do with giving someone the gift of life, the gift of life is questionable in of itself, but has more to do with a gift to oneself.
Add to that the intense pressure placed on young couples by the culture they inherited upon their own birth to also have children. We’re pretty well insured that most people, even if they would prefer not to have children, end up having children.
My point is that the more you know the more responsibility you have. And we know a lot more today about consequences, about birth control, about possible, impending problems from a scientific perspective. A thoughtful person would inevitably give the idea of reproducing a second thought before proceeding.
I do believe that young people are much more thoughtful about reproducing. Some of the statistics I have read even claim that young people are having less sex than their parents. it doesn’t help, however, that the older generation accuses young people who are more serious about reproducing and child rearing of being selfish and self-centered. I guess misery loves company or some such nonsense.
More power to young people who have learned from their parents mistakes and are brave enough to have a clear eyed vision, unlike their parents who explained life while shrouded in mystery and myths.