The Election Dance
Two Steps Forward One Step Back
I didn’t watch the Republican debate last night but my takeaway from the photos I’ve seen is — it’s still a man’s world. One woman? At least there was one woman’s face among the dudes.
Unfortunately, when women finally get a chance to step up to the plate, they often try to play ball like a man which tells me something very important. Men aren’t the problem.
People are the problem.
A number of current far-right parties in Europe have female leaders. Italy and France for example. Oh, sure, it’s still a man’s world but that’s not the whole story.
I used to think that the world would be a better place if it was run by women. I was wrong. It turns out that the world has always been a mess because of people. We can’t have nice things because of people.
The species with the big brain often ruin things for itself.
Life will always be a struggle. I’m finally learning to accept that. I think that’s a sign of progress on my part. But progress is slow whether it be individual or world progress.
So slooooooow.
Humans love the two-step-forward-one-step-back dance. So, strike up the band and clear the dance floor. It’s time for another election year.
Just me thinking out loud …
Teresa is an author and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.