Thanks, To My 1200 Followers as of Today
I Will Continue to Think Out Loud
Today, I’m celebrating 1200 followers and 60 subscribers. At roughly one article a day since April, that’s not too bad.
I thank every single faithful reader, responder, and subscriber for supporting my efforts to think out loud online.
If truth be told, I’ve been thinking out loud online since the early 2000s when I went abroad for the first of four years of living everywhere but nowhere. That’s when I discovered My Space.
Does anyone remember My Space?
I began blogging on My Space in order to keep friends and relatives informed about my travel adventures abroad. It worked well. Although it was so long ago that most of the places where I lived along the way didn’t have internet, so I had to use internet cafes believe it or not.
Those were the days when telephone booths could still be found. If I wanted to talk to someone back home, that’s how I did it.
International calls felt scary at the time. I bought phone cards from local stores and used them to pay the expensive rates.
Emails were the best way to stay in touch. Although I still had to find an internet cafe to check my emails and respond to them.
At any rate, I was one of the original travel bloggers. Big names were starting to emerge, but I didn’t know who any of these folks were at the time.
I went on to befriend a few outstanding travel bloggers and even wrote guest articles for their websites.
All these years later, I’ve taken a long break from blogging, but I’m still thinking out loud on the internet.
I use Medium to think out loud about all kinds of topics. I don’t have a specific niche.
Although I favor self-reliance, living off-grid tips, international politics, humanism, culture, and travel. I can wake up one morning and feel the urge, however, to think out loud about death and dying, religion, animals, love, food, depression and anxiety, books, and who knows what else.
When I feel the urge, I write.
So far, at least 1200 people have found a few topics that I think out loud about enjoyable enough to read, sometimes make a comment, and occasionally become a subscriber.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can fine her books on Amazon.