Republicans Ruined the Traditional Family
They’re Hypocrites
I’ve been trying to define the traditional family for some time. It used to be a man and a woman who stayed married until one of them died. Divorce was taboo. Getting a divorce was difficult.
Let’s jump ahead to current family values. Shall we?
Across the street from me lives a man and his third wife. He has children with all three wives. It’s quite likely his ex-wives and current wife have had more than one husband and kids by some of their former husbands as well. I can’t say for sure because the kids come and go and I simply don’t know who’s who.
I’m sorry it’s so confusing.
Caddy cornered from me is a couple divorced from previous spouses with whom they had children. Next door is a woman who divorced almost 30 years ago and never remarried. She’s dated other men but didn’t end up getting remarried.
That’s just the people close at hand in my neighborhood. As far as I know, the first two families are Republicans. The first two couples are professing Christians as well. One husband is a minister.
Now I’m not a Republican nor a Christian.
I’m liberal yet married to the same man for 55 years. I’m content, however, to allow my neighbors to choose their paths in life. You know — what the Republicans claim to believe about government interference when it comes to personal choices.
Oppression doesn’t hold an appeal to me at all.
It scares me and completely takes the joy out of life. I grew up in a very oppressive religion. The idea of returning to such heavy rules and regulations makes me ill. I can’t imagine why anyone would be drawn to the austerity of religious law, but if they are, it should be their choice not the harsh rules of a theocratic government.
Republicans like to think they’re protecting the traditional family and promoting a moral society. The truth is the traditional family no longer exists. Not because there’s a gay couple down the street. Nope. Not because the trans cashier has a job and a life. Nope. The traditional family was destroyed by heterosexual couples who decided to change the rules about divorce and remarriage. They redefined what constitutes the traditional family.
Why? Because they wanted the freedom to live life the way they chose to live life.
Many kids today grow up while mom and dad are dating. Sometimes they are temporarily expected to bond with one of dad’s new girlfriends. Often they must accept part-time brothers and sisters, too. Frequently, if they even manage to develop a relationship with these uninvited new family members, Dad and his girlfriend split up and they never see her again. Many kids today can’t tell you who’s related to whom in their ever-changing families.
That’s a ton of change and uncertainty to deal with if you ask me.
We will usher in the new modern family when Trump is inaugurated. He’s the epitome of the American family with three divorces, children by all three wives, and cheated on all three. We have never had a former president who exemplifies the modern family any better than Trump does.
In fact, there has only been one other president who was divorced — — yep, Ronald Reagan — — and he was a Republican.
He also passed a law that made getting a divorce much easier.
On September 5, 1969, Governor Ronald Reagan signed into law California’s new and revolutionary Family Law Act which helped to make no-fault divorce a reality. At the time, such legislation seemed humane and enlightened. Lots of people started getting a divorce and pretty soon split families began to construct the now normalized family model.
Voila! The traditional family was replaced with a different makeup.
Not even a priest or a preacher could stop it.
So, while America has already had three presidents who have been married twice — two because of death, one because of divorce — Donald Trump will still make history as the first U.S. president to have ever been married thrice.
The man Republicans think has been sent by god to protect traditional families from gays and trans is about as loose and unfaithful as they come.
There is whispering among the religious right of doing away with no-fault divorce which would make it more difficult to get a divorce. Those who want to blame the LGBTQ community for the moral decline of the nation would be deeply distraught if this were to take place. It would affect so many lives and frankly, I don’t think most people would enjoy going back in time to the good old days when people stayed married because the government forced them to stay married.
So let’s pick on the gay couple down the street, instead. Shall we?
Let’s become outraged by books on shelves. Why not marginalize those who have struggled for centuries to enjoy the same rights as the rest of us? In the meantime, we will traumatize our kids with dear old Mom and Dad fighting, splitting up, getting a divorce, and starting a brand new family.
Nothing these people do makes sense. Nothing. Because any time they try to legislate morality, we always end up exposing their blatant hypocrisy.
I smell a rat!
Teresa is an author and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.