Procreation Is An Instinct
That baby in your arms
the one who caught you off guard
or maybe was your best laid plan
You’re gonna try so hard
to keep it safe
aren’t you?
Not just to feed it
or provide clothing and shelter
but guard it from the helter skelter
of this world that’s knocked you about
Your little one deserves better
What a conundrum we face
when we try to propagate the human race
for our basic instincts are the same
as the animals of the forest green
We end up doing what we didn’t mean
to do at first
You know?
And, yes, every little one
deserves a chance to thrive
in our busy bee hives of cultures
But we soon realize
that we have precious little power
after enduring each hour of pain
Don’t we?
They say life is a gift
and mostly I’m not too miffed
to find myself here
but the description is a bit
over the top, I think
It feels more like an accident
You see?
An accidental pairing
of genes that carry
a predestined outcome to some degree
A little mini you or me
and then the extra burden
of unforeseen problems
without solutions
So we hover
hoping to discover
the magic elixir
the amazing fixer
of all unbearable hardships
But I’ll give you a tip
There isn’t one
You understand?
This is life
in the raw
without the fairy tales
without the promises
without any hope
that the little one in your arms
will survive forever
Isn’t it?
Yet, our instincts win
for we remain to this day
despite our technological ways
part of nature’s animal kingdom
Our big brains are not able
to table the urges that we were given
to see our genes living beyond
our own inevitable death
With our very last breath we leave
our memories to the next generation
Ensuring that our species lives and dies
is what we excel at
and hoping this time it will be different.
©️Teresa Roberts