Never Ask a Republican For Help
They Don’t Believe All Life is Precious
If a Republican tells you that all life is precious, just nod and walk away as quickly as possible. Don’t engage in a conversation. No buts, no questions, don’t even blink an eye. Just turn around and leave.
We all say things we don’t mean but when a Republican says all life is precious, they really don’t mean it at all.
Maybe, that’s a big maybe, they want new life for the right people to be honored, white people mostly. Whenever there’s even a whisper of a birth decline in American society, they immediately want to do away with a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body.
We can’t have people of color outnumbering us one day.
That would be the gift of life squandered. But Republicans really don’t even believe that all white life is precious. Because if they had their way the few social safety nets that we have in America would be destroyed and replaced with, well, nothing.
People who need help, even little kids who are hungry, are products of laziness in their heartless world view.
The sad stories of little kids living in destitute families don’t produce a single tear. Nope. Republicans are all about a stingy, angry society that punishes rather than supports. I think it comes from their belief in an angry god who threatens to throw them in hell when they die. With a role model like that, hardheartedness is to be expected. There’s a harshness about the Republican approach to life.
So, don’t turn to a Republican for help.
If Republicans had their way, they’d do away with Medicare, social security, Medicaid, social services, free lunch programs in schools, and food stamps. Hell, they don’t even like National Parks. Anything for the public good is loathed. As far as Republicans are concerned, if it isn’t making someone somewhere a bunch of money, it has no value to American life.
And don’t get a Republican started on the plight of immigrants and refugees.
They will literally turn into a goblin right before your eyes. They find the mere suggestion of making it easy for refugees to live amongst us inconceivable. Even if we have a dire shortage of workers, depend on immigrants to raise our food and do all the dirty jobs that Americans refuse to do, even if they work their fingers to the bone, and they do, Republicans would rather see them floating in a river than allow them to cross our borders.
This planet has a lot of problems, and it’s only going to get worse.
Climate change will see to that. Immigrants and refugees will increase and so will fascism which will come from Republicans who don’t believe for one minute that every life is precious.
The destruction caused by climate change will guarantee that Republicans become even more nationalistic.
There’ll be a surge in flag sales to adorn their houses and pickup trucks. Those in desperate need of help will be increasingly viewed as “the problem”, scorned and driven away with their children clinging to them in terror. Republicans will view these families as subhuman.
There will be no faces attached to a name because there will be no names.
The unfortunate individuals searching for a home will be identified with words like illegals, criminals, and vagrants at best. Any possibility of giving these fellow human beings a name and an identifiable face will be discouraged. They’ll be seen as “the danger”, the cause for our domestic problems, deserving of hate.
Bystanders will watch and do nothing. Collaborators will support the cause as patriotic.
The talk of family values and the sanctity of life will continue while those who have been refused human rights will languish on the sidelines as they’ve always done when humans do what Republicans want America to do, that is, refuse to accept that ALL life is precious.
We either believe that ALL life is precious or we don’t believe that life is precious. You can’t have it both ways.
Personally, I think it’s been proven over and over again that life is cheap. It’s far too easy to politicize the value of human life. There are too many people without hope. Too many children without food. Too much human suffering. I mean it’s so bad that people like me, people who have a heart, gave up believing in a god of any kind years ago.
The god I was raised to believe in must have been a Republican, because he didn’t lift a finger to help those in need either.
Just look around you. Without our help, no life will ever be precious. Life only becomes precious if humans decide it’s precious and then act accordingly. There’s little evidence that most people truly believe that all life is precious. They believe that THEIR life is precious. When the chips are down, it’s THEIR life that matters. Not some little brown baby from Pakistan or a sweet little toddler from Honduras. Nope! They don’t matter. They’re expendable.
SOMEONE cares. It won’t be a god. It won’t be a Republican. It’ll have to be the rest of us. We must learn to care about one another. If we don’t, then no one will.
Yeah, I know. It’s a cold, hard life.
Everyone needs to just pick themselves up by the bootstraps. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of people who don’t even own a single pair of shoes. No matter how hard they’re hoping to be given a chance to become a working member of our society, Republicans aren’t interested in giving them access to a better life.
They don’t really believe all life is precious.
I’m not sure that they even believe refugees are human. It wouldn’t be the first political party that believes in a master plan for their special tribe, a tribe destined to rule the world and enjoy the spoils of the earth.
After all, isn’t that what it means to have God on your side.
Teresa is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.