My beliefs do not spring from atheism. Atheism isn’t about what I believe. It’s only about what I don’t believe and only one thing at that. I don’t believe in gods. Not just the Christian God, but all the other thousands of gods that have been man-made since the beginning of time.
What an atheist may or may not believe has nothing to do with a God and everything to do with their own personal desires for creating a better world. Creating a better world benefits not only an atheist but their offspring and hopefully everyone else. It is a higher form of the animal instinct to survive.
Christianity has done little to improve the lives of humans overall. The great progress made in the last century and a half has been unprecedented and largely due to human beings putting their minds to work to solve problems that affect everyone and ultimately making life better. That’s it!
Are there atheists who are selfish, greedy, unmotivated, unwilling to cooperate, lazy, lacking talent, poor parents, and inadequate problem solvers?You bet your damn dollar there is. But it’s not because they’re an atheist. Being an atheist and being a Christian, neither one guarantees, thoughtful, helpful, or peaceful behaviors.
There is most likely an innate desire within the tribe for the tribe not only to survive, but to flourish, however. An atheist is just as likely to play for that team as a religious person. There lies the misconception among Christians about atheists. That’s why atheists have been persecuted down through the ages for not accepting man-made gods of any kind.
Probably the biggest human factor that influences a persons willingness and desire to work for the well-being of all is their level of empathy. Not everyone is born with the same level of empathy and some are born with no capacity for empathy whatsoever.