Let’s Examine the Holy Trinity
Our Fables Tell Us a Lot About the Culture We Inherited
So, apparently, the Christian god is a three-in-one kind of an entity. That’s how I know that being nonbinary is as old as the hills, not a new liberal creation at all. Back in the day, when men sat in a room writing fables for their illiterate followers, they created a god that was three in one. Apparently, no one thought that was a strange idea at all. Three distinct roles assigned to three different parts of one divine being.
Gods always bear an uncanny resemblance to their creators — humans.
However, patriarchy was also a strong reality back in those days when a few MEN of god sat in a candlelit room and drew up a plan for a god that could easily be described as a three in one manifistation just as long as not one of the three was a woman.
Now here me out before you start crossing your fingers and praying.
There was god the father and god the son. Right? They were two separate manifestations of the godhead with different roles. Are you with me? But then, there was this third spot that needed filling.
If the first two were the father and his son, then logically speaking, who might you put into that vacant spot?
A dog? Man’s best friend could’ve been a better choice that what we ended up with, but no. How about another man? We already had two men, the father and his son. If another man filled the third spot, wouldn’t we run the danger of the father and this man arguing over which one was the real biological father of the son. Right? Okay. Keep trying. C’mon! The father, the son, and uh, um, uh …
I’m sorry, but I don’t have all day to wait for you to come up with the right answer. When you think of a father and his son, don’t you usually picture a mother as well? Isn’t that a common threesome under the circumstances? But is that what these men came up with in their candlelit rooms? Hell, no. They filled that third spot with
Drum roll, please… A GHOST.
Yep! They had a father and his son, but chose a ghost to fill the third spot. A ghost! A freaking bloody ghost. Anything but a woman, apparently. She’s just a vessel, a bodily warming tank to host god’s son. Nothing more.
There’s nothing about a woman that deserves even a mention let alone a place in the holy trinity.
Now this should make you think! C’mon. Put on your pointy thinking caps and THINK. There’s a lot wrong with that picture painted many, many years ago, but that the trinity still has a place in the minds of modern men — and women —is absurd.
What is it going to take to get humans to stop living in a dream world full of fables designed to keep us in the Dark Ages.
It’s absurd that we aren’t more rational, but it’s equally absurd that we still think positions of power should be filled only with men. It’s absurd that we have millions of Americans who believe in an invisible man, but it’s equally absurd that both men and women still believe that men are superior to women.
It’s crazy to think that a ghost is better qualified for a position of power than a woman. A ghost!
And before you tell me that it’s just a story, don’t. We live in a world where words define us and determine outcomes. Words are our number one form of communication. It’s how we pass down traditions. Words can inspire. Words can promote hate. Words help us form agreements and honor them. Words express our heartfelt longings. These ancient old words hurt women hundreds of years ago and still hurt women today.
A freaking ghost! A damn ghost instead of the mother of the son? Get real!
I am 71 years old and have witnessed a lot of strange human behavior throughout my life. I will never understand what makes humans do what they do. Girls, women, give it up for the 21st century. Stop glorifying a ghost that looks uncannily just like a man in a poorly constructed ghost costume. Step up to the plate and denounce these silly tales made up centuries ago by men to protect their positions of power.
In the name of the Mother, daughter and holy uterus, may the force be with you. We need all the help we can get. Let’s replace the trinity with real flesh and blood women.
Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.