I’ve been to San Miguel many times and was able to stay for weeks even months at a time. Like you, I retired early at age 54. I sold everything that I owned and traveled the world for four years living everywhere but nowhere. San Miguel became one of my favorite spots although I’ll have to admit I wish I had spent more time in Guanajuato as well, because it is certainly, a beautiful town. For the past 17 years, I’ve been wintering in Spain, however, where I lease the same apartment year after year for two months. Covid brought a halt to that for a few years, but I’m returning this year thankfully and very much looking forward to it. someday I hope to make it back to San Miguel. I agree that it is a very special city. Full of art, colorful architecture, good food, interesting people, and perhaps the best weather year-round that I’ve ever encountered. Thanks for writing this article and bringing back lots of good memories for me.