Is It Too Late to Resist the Great Heist?

Teresa Writer
4 min readJan 29, 2025


What’s Next?

The Sun Is Setting On Democracy (my Photo)

The Great Heist has begun.

So many of my friends are petrified as well as paralyzed. We know things are grim, but we can barely put one foot in front of the other in order to make a nourishing soup for the day, let alone organize for the Great Resistance.

What does one do when the warning bells are clanging in their ears?

I suggest that it may be too late to change course at this point. We had a chance, but we blew it, and we’ve been paying for our mistakes ever since. The 2016 election was the most important election of my lifetime. The results of the recent election are historically what we should’ve expected.

Because we blew it in 2016.

I’m not saying that everyone deliberately set out to bring about our current state of affairs. I don’t know a single Democrat who is happy about the outcome of the recent election. But it may be too late to change things — at least to change them using the ordinary methods.

Organized protests and outright defiance simply aren’t enough.

And historically, we already know what happens to those who dare to resist the dictator. Don’t we? Didn’t our history classes teach us that to resist is to risk imprisonment or even death? Even people like me run the risk of being singled out and persecuted. Journalists certainly should watch their backs. Professor need to be acutely aware of the historical consequences for those who expressed disapproval of their dictator.

You see, we waited too long and took too many risks during a very important election — the most important election of my life.

The Democrats, unfortunately, decided to reform their party during an election year. Many of the things they wanted to accomplish, like universal health care, were for the good of the masses, but it came at the expense of ignoring the big picture. How to get from point A to point B in politics isn’t usually a straight path. If you don’t look at the big picture, you can sabotage your own best interests. Personally, I believe many good people fighting for great causes made it difficult for us to unite, and without unification, the masses have zero power against the oligarchs. ZERO.

If we haven’t learned that by now, we’re about to learn it the hard way.

Sure, you can organize and resist. You can march at your own risk. You can refuse to shop at different stores, stop using Amazon, drop your Facebook membership, and join Bluesky, but it’s not going to make a difference. The oligarchs squeezed through the door in 2016 when the Democrats were fighting their own war within the party, voting for Jill Stein, and generally focused on the wrong things. Sure, we made a comeback in the next election; those who voted third party turned around and voted for Biden, and there was far less division in the party, but the harm had already been done.

We’d opened the door just a crack, and the dictator squeezed through.

So many things changed during the four years following the 2016 election. Our perceptions are different, the way we talk to each other has shifted, and the level of division between both parties is growing exponentially. Americans are living in two different worlds. Our news stations provide us with entirely different sets of facts. We are listening to the nonstop delivery of completely different worldviews.

For all intents and purposes, we aren’t living on the same planet any longer.

Communication no longer exists. We can’t reason our way out of this mess because we don’t share the same language, goals, or perceptions. That is making it impossible to negotiate. And of course, the propaganda machine is closely connected to the disintegration of the masses.

We are now our own worst enemy.

Once again, let me repeat: this is merely my interpretation of what’s happening through the lens of historical context. Most will still run the risks that I have named, refusing to believe that we’re this far gone. For the record, I hope that I’m wrong. Trust me, I have zero interest in just being right so I can say, “I told you so.” I’m scared for my children and grandchildren. Our future looks chaotic, confusing, and scary to me. I don’t get paid to write for Medium. It has never been my goal to make money by expressing myself through this platform. I’ve not made one cent.

I write because I must, and if it helps someone else, I’m happy.

I caution my readers to proceed carefully as things continue to unfold at a rapid pace. Protect yourself first and foremost. Being a martyr for a cause isn’t necessary. Keep your eye on what’s going on around you in your own communities. Surround yourselves with like-minded people who will provide emotional support. Stay away from those who are determined to drag you down.

The world as we knew it in 2015 is gone for good.

The Supreme Court is stacked for decades to come. Roe v. Wade was overturned, and that’s just the beginning. Take that in and learn from it. We are well into the last phase of the Great Heist. Don’t fool yourself by trying to believe otherwise. This is not the time to be a Pollyanna.

The best to all of you who have followed me. I have appreciated your comments and support. Thank you, and stay safe.

Teresa is an author and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.



Teresa Writer
Teresa Writer

Written by Teresa Writer

Teresa is an author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. She’s also a top writer on climate change and the future.

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