Is It Time to Party Until the Ship Goes Down?
Sometimes, I wonder
As expected, the Supreme Court ruled against the EPA in the case of West Virginia v EPA, reducing the power of the EPA to regulate businesses.
I’m a pragmatist.
I generally continue to function quite well even if I don’t get 100% of what I want. I’ve never gotten 100% of what I want. Maybe you have but not me. I count it a good day if I get 75% of what I want.
But I’m genuinely bummed today.
I’m completely deflated. It’s not that the world has made tremendous progress when it comes to combatting climate change. We haven’t. It’s hard to even get those who believe in climate change to stay focused. But this ruling is likely to slow down the little progress we were making.
Of course, this is a direct result of the Hillary/Trump election outcomes, the most important election in my lifetime.
We knew that there were several Supreme Court seats opening soon. It didn’t take a clairvoyant to predict what would happen if the Supreme Court openings were filled with conservative judges.
I can fight a lot of things and manage to keep my chin up.
But it’s hard to fight climate change because it’s caused by the whole world. Unlike Roe v Wade, It’s a planet problem not a country problem. If the U.S. builds a plan without any teeth in it, then we’re forced once again to postpone making meaningful changes until some other time. In the case of the Supreme Court, it could be years before we can bring balance back to what has become an ultra-conservative court.
Maybe it’s time to party until the ship goes down. Kind of like when the Titanic sunk, and the orchestra played music for as long as they could.
I don’t know. I’m just one old woman in a sea of humans that is struggling to figure things out that are above my paygrade.
Where do we go from here?
Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.