I’m not convinced that free will exists, at least not in the way it is described by our culture. You know the drill. We can be the masters of our own fate. I don’t see a lot of evidence of that, but I will say this. Maybe, just maybe, we can choose to embrace a perspective. After all, we were born into a culture that handed us a vast array of perspectives that we accepted as truth without question, and then fumbled our way through a life defined by these human constructs.
If we had been born in another culture, our perspectives and truths would be different. Our language would be different. Our religion would be different. Our role in life would be different. So if we don’t get to choose our parents and we don’t get to choose the culture or the language that we inherit through the lottery of birth, are we stuck with what we have had laid upon us before we were even born. If all of it is a human construct, could we make up our own construct if we gave ourselves permission to do so and enjoyed the creative aspect of being absolutely and totally different than what our culture expected us to be?
I wonder. And yes, I really do lay in bed and think about these things. Somehow, I’ve always known there’s a million ways to do something. We don’t all have to live in houses that look alike, wear clothes that look alike, sing the same songs, read the same books or aspire for the same things in life. It’s all made up. Every last bit of it. There’s nothing sacred about any of it. It’s just boils down to whether or not we actually question things and then have the courage to choose a different path.
I think once all the mystique of our cultures are exposed, the less likely we are to be held down by absolute and total nonsense.