If You Can’t Convince Them, Confuse Them

Teresa Writer
4 min readNov 21, 2024


A Highly Successful Political Strategy

The sun is setting (my photo)

“If you can’t convince them, confuse them.” Does that really work?

Yes. This old tactic is being used daily. Trump deliberately and flamboyantly contradicts himself all the time. He KNOWS he’s doing it. It’s not stupidity or lack of understanding of the issues. It’s not his limited speech.

It’s his strategy, and he’s brilliantly pulling it off.

Trump bombards us with inflammatory tweets, thus thwarting any reasonable debate. It’s a propaganda method that Harry Truman once denounced by making the above quote. The main goal is to keep people constantly off balance and distracted.

The topics quickly change, and one tweet can be followed by an interview comment with a completely opposite position.

This administration is fully aware that most people will not have the educational background or time to follow up on the masses of outrageous disinformation thoroughly. They also know that within a matter of days, a different topic will be splashed all over social media before anyone can get to the bottom of the previous one. Hell, we don’t have to wait three days any longer.

This strategy is so successful that we only need to wait three minutes for the next blow.

He has a few other tactics that help create confusion. Have you noticed that Trump is highly skilled at projecting? He regularly accuses other politicians of behaving in a deplorable fashion even though he’s the one who’s misbehaving. He knows that if you repeat anything long enough, eventually, it will be accepted as the truth. Our brains often trap us when we ought to know better. However, once we’ve accepted something as the truth, which is easier than you’d think, it becomes normalized. Most people fail to question it again.

Trump is an expert at this. His audacity can’t be matched by anyone else.

Rumors are going around that the party will find a way to replace Trump with JD Vance. Trump is a loose canon. During his administration, he was constantly blurting out things that were the exact opposite of what he’d just agreed would be the party message.

He’s hard to manage.

Trump has always done as he pleased and gotten away with it no matter how reprehensible. He feels invincible. Remember when he said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose followers?

Well, that was a prophetic declaration.

Trump doesn’t seem to have any true convictions. He is not a Christian and never has been. If anything, he might be described as a hedonist. I don’t think he feels strongly about anything other than money and notoriety. Even notoriety is seen as a way to help him make more money. Consequently, Trump is all over the place when he addresses an audience.

That can be disconcerting for the kingmakers lurking in the background with their long list of goals and personal gain.

The party uses Trump for his charisma and uncanny skills to stay in the limelight and attract attention. Many are resorting to mimicking his tactics to confuse the masses.

They’re not as good at it as he is, but they’re working on it.

They need him for the time being, but while he’s doing his best to razzle-dazzle, lie, and confuse Americans, the oligarchy is drawing up a detailed plan of action. Project 2025 is just the beginning.

It’s gonna get a lot worse.

In the meantime, the whole country is disoriented and confused, unable to discern what’s what or what’s true. This should no longer surprise anyone. He was doing it straight from the 2016 campaign trail — an onslaught of outrageous statements and accusations. Nobody thought he could win BECAUSE of his behavior. Most people thought he was erratic and impulsive. They couldn’t imagine he’d confuse enough people to convince them to vote for him.

Well, he’s done it again, folks.

Even the Republican party had doubts, but as he gained momentum, they recognized a way to use him to their advantage. They saw a chance to keep attention on a madman while they rigged anything they could get their hands on from behind the scenes. Trump dared to be openly blatant in a way they couldn’t pull off, but they were better at the details.

The strategy was adopted and is now part of their playbook.

Everyone was wrong about Trump! His methods were more strategic than most people realized. Maybe they even worked better than he had imagined. He had little at stake during the campaign, unlike professional politicians. He could dare to implement sheer audacity. Instinctively, from his dirty business practices, he knew how to play a reckless, unethical hand better than most.

And he did just that.

He risked it all on a wild chance that he could distract and confuse them with outrageous and contradictory behavior. The strategy paid off and is now normalized. His trademark is the brilliant ability to use this tactic to his advantage without fail. Trump has proven that confusing them is as easy as apple pie.

Americans are officially exhausted.

Teresa is an author and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.



Teresa Writer
Teresa Writer

Written by Teresa Writer

Teresa is an author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. She’s also a top writer on climate change and the future.

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