How I Handle Online Debates —Ugh!
Here’s a few tips on how to limit the amount of time that is spent in online debates.
I know it’s tempting.
Those of us who write often feel very passionately about the things we explore through writing. It’s a form of personal expression that can be satisfying and almost therapeutic. However, there’s another side of online writing that can become tricky.
Online debates.
Personally, I welcome a twist or added information to any opinon piece that I’ve written. I can appreciate a completely different point of view as long as we agree to disagree rather quickly.
I don’t like or welcome long diatribes and epistles parading as a kind of essay in the response section.
Write your own damn essay. After all, no matter how much we believe what we believe there’s always an opposing view or two or three. Opinions are truly like assholes, everyone has one. If your opinion is the complete opposite of mine, so be it, but write about it then.
I’ve never changed anyone’s mind and doubt that you have either. It’s a waste of time to try.
I betcha just about everyone has seen a long, endless back and forth argument between two people online who are belaboring their point of view ad nauseam. From the outside looking in, it’s rather ridiculous. So, here’s how I am dealing with my own need to rebut not just once or twice but thrice and more.
- If the person is a frequent visitor who tends to look for a fight, I ignore them completely.
- If the person is a frequent visitor but rarely attempts to lure me into a debate. I respond once or twice. Then I stop. I let them know that I’m stopping and why.
- If a person is brand new to my page and seems triggered by my point of view, I engage briefly. They may never come back or they could be back tomorrow. I have no way of knowing. I’ll wait and see how to proceed down the road.
It seems simple, doesn’t it? However, if you’re a writer and words are your friends then it can be really hard not to engage. Before you know you’ve wasted an entire hour in a back and forth that led nowhere. You still hold your opinion and they still hold their’s and neither of the two shall change. EVER! EVER! NEVER!
So, take it from me or not, but that’s how I’m learning to handle online master debaters.
I’m rather new to Medium and so far I’m finding people to be a lot less combative than they are on social media. In fact, I’m mostly enjoying my experiences with readers now. I was looking for a place where I could encounter people of a like mind. It’s refreshing and inspirational.
Thanks to all of my readers …
Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, andprofessional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.