Here’s to A World Where Creative Ideas are Welcome

Teresa Writer
4 min readJul 1, 2022


Creativity is What Makes Us Gods

Me being theatrical about 18 years ago in Guatemala

Good morning, all! Another day, another dollar in America. But today, I promised my friend Mitch, a writer and a reader on Medium, that I’d write something uplifting. He challenged me to do this and so, I agreed to tell a story about a world that I imagine, a better world to leave my granddaughter.

I’m going to call this world The Home of the Creative Beings.

Once upon a time, there was a world where creativity flourished. This world had many attributes, but the love of the creative spirit was its most coveted. From the day a child was born into this world, they were encouraged to express their creative natures.

I live in this world.

I never thought to question whether I had a creative spirit or not. Everyone in this world is allowed to pursue their path of creativity without second thoughts. So, I found my path through experimentation and personal expression.

New ideas are cherished in our world.

We’ve managed to solve so many problems by keeping an open mind to new ideas. It’s surprising what one person will think of when everyone else has run out of ideas. All they need to do in this world where I thrive is say…

I have an idea. Have you ever thought of doing it this way?

Oh, the waves of excitement those words stimulate. Everyone drops what they’re doing and listens. If the idea shows promise, there is no debt to be paid in order to use it. The open sourcing of ideas produces lots of other ideas and that’s where we derive not only our solutions to complex problems but our satisfaction for contributing to the world we share.

This makes it easier for us to cooperate as well.

So, progress is much swifter overall. Our world has come to expect that society will evolve and change quickly and efficiently. As soon as we see a problem that’s causing pain and suffering, the call for new ideas to fix this problem goes out. Soon, people are deep in thought, asking questions, researching possibilities, and collecting solutions. We even mix and match ideas in order to develop better ideas. Two ideas are better than one. We believe that multiple approaches to problem solving always save the day.

Thus, we don’t live indefinitely with a problem that causes pain and suffering to our people.

If one way isn’t working, there’s always a better way just waiting for us to discover it. This approach not only provides a quick route to solving problems but is intellectually stimulating. Our big brains are constantly expanding and making connections. We’re intellectual beings who long ago realized that the brain needs stimulation in order to reach its full potential.

Problem solving is part of our everyday lives, because life is a series of problems that requires solving in order to survive.

We accept this challenge and use our creative abilities to make life better for everyone. That’s our main concern. We want everyone, not just a few individuals, to have the chance to live their best lives.

We don’t believe in mythological kingdoms in the afterlife, so there’s no reason for us to postpone improving life on our planet in the here and now.

Why wait for a possible next life, we say. Let’s make THIS world our very own heaven. Somehow, we instinctively knew what a heaven should look like and decided to make that our goal.

That’s not all, however.

We make our world beautiful with music, art, poems, sculptures, dance, theatrical productions, and books. To produce such works of art are treasured. The artist is in all of us.

No one can imagine a world without art.

It adds so much beauty to our lives. It’s also therapeutic. Creative expression is cathartic. When people express their feelings through art, fewer drugs and less alcohol is needed to cope with the challenges we face.

From the day a child is born, they are allowed to dabble in the arts to their hearts content.

Our schools include lots of opportunities for children to immerse themselves in art. We consider play to be a form of art. Even adults have time to play.

I know it sounds unbelievable, but this is the world I live in and the one that I’m gifting to the next generation.

We are evolving much quicker than past societies, I am told. When I read about the extreme levels of human suffering on other planets, I feel so fortunate to live where I do. We don’t fly to other planets and try to force them to live like us, but if anyone is interested, they are welcome to join us as long as they, too, are open to new ideas and willing to listen to the ideas of others.

Then we dance until dawn and celebrate together.

Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster You can find her books on Amazon.



Teresa Writer
Teresa Writer

Written by Teresa Writer

Teresa is an author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. She’s also a top writer on climate change and the future.

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