Give me a plan that doesn’t involve burning everything to the ground. In the meantime, read about Spain and how they lost almost 50 years of potential progress in the last century under the Franco regime. Not because everyone wanted Franco to rule. There were plenty of groups who opposed him. These groups couldn’t unite even though they didn’t want Franco to rule, because they didn’t agree on all their individual concerns. Burning everything to ground, no matter who does it, is counter productive. So, is war. They’re counterproductive and outdated. We are the majority. If we can unite around a single issue, we stand a much bigger chance of succeeding. Why burn everything to the ground just because we haven’t figured out a way to take the next steps toward progress. Regression can happen overnight. Progress take years. I have no desire to give up what I currently have for a pre 1950s lifestyle that will insure that we’ll not take a single step forward for what remains of my life and beyond.