Do You Avoid Crowds?
That’s a Smart Move.
There are good reasons to avoid crowds these days. I freely admit I’ve never enjoyed crowds. I’m very uncomfortable when caught up in wild celebrations that bring hundreds of people together. Two or three people can cause enough problems for one another, let alone hundreds.
Lately, that fact has become even more evident.
COVID made me aware of the risks with close encounters of my own kind. Cramming a bunch of laughing, breathing, coughing, sneezing, and perspiring people into a small area has little appeal. But now, I think about viruses, germs, bacteria, and other unwelcome guests that came along for the ride. Ugh!
Mass shootings, which are as common as Sunday dinners with the family, are another reason to avoid crowds.
Too many disgruntled men these days decide to work out their aggression by killing a bunch of strangers. I can wrap my head around killing someone you hate, but random potshots at strangers because you want a girlfriend is incomprehensible. As hard as it is for me to understand this bizarre male behavior, it is an undeniable part of American life. So, no thanks.
I’ll stay away from the crowds and enjoy a drink in my own backyard under a shade tree.
Getting crushed by crowds isn’t as common lately, because we gave up big concerts and performances for a while due to COVID, but I have never relished the idea of being trampled to death while listening to my favorite rock group.
Noise in crowds can be devastating to the ears.
Dance clubs with booming music or car shows where everyone is revving the engine to show off their most recent acquisitions are not my idea of having fun. By the time anyone reaches my age, they’ll appreciate being hearing-aid-free.
Humans are not my cup of tea.
I much prefer dogs, cats, birds, trees, and my own company to a social event that draws a crowd. Come to think of it, maybe I should just shut up. The last thing I want is for people to start invading my getaway spots.
Carry on. You do you, and I’ll do me.
Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.