Both my father and father-in-law were lucky enough to have jobs that supported their families, regardless of whether they had a college education or not. By the time my husband and I were married that had changed. The silent generation and the greatest generation lived in unprecedented times. They are recent enough in our memories That we can’t help but make comparisons even if it’s only on a subconscious level.
My dad was college educated, and my husband’s father was not. My husband’s father worked in a factory, and eventually became a foreman. Both of our mothers were stay at home moms. Our dads were able to earn a living at their respective jobs that allowed them to buy a home, two cars, and even have money left over for hobbies. That is not the norm anymore.
By the time, my husband and I were married the factory jobs that his father benefited from had been shipped overseas, unions had lost their power, pensions had disappeared, and it had become fully necessary for both mom and dad to work in order to have the things that our parents were privileged enough to enjoy.