Teresa Writer
4 min readApr 7, 2024


Let’s Explore the New Prime Properties of the Future

Far away from the madding crowd (my photo)

It’s hard to believe that two years have passed since I took this photo. I had already been researching the next prime properties for over a year due to a deep interest I had in discovering climate change opportunities.

Yep! I said climate change OPPORTUNITIES and I meant it in a very specific way.

As more and more regions become inhospitable, the cost of insuring some of the current prime properties will likely be too expensive. That in turn will produce new regions that are suddenly more desirable and redefine what constitutes prime property.

Much of my research was gleaned from climate studies out of Purdue and University of Michigan.

Why? I soon discovered that the Midwest could become a future climate refuge to a greater or lesser degree. Furthermore, the farther north I pushed, the more desirable the property would become.

Anything above the 45th parallel would most likely become the new prime properties of the future.

Lo and behold, much to my surprise, I found myself exploring the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. More than one report that I’d read indicated that in the US this region, strategically placed above the 45th parallel, offered another outstanding benefit.

Twenty percent of the ENTIRE WORLD’s fresh water is located in the region.

Let me repeat that. Twenty percent of the ENTIRE WORLD’s fresh water is located in the Upper Peninsula. I was intrigued. So next, I began to explore the possibilities of purchasing land. I was doubly lucky because my current residence was a mere five-hour drive to the region.

How did I get to be so fortunate?

I shifted my research to land in the UP. In 2020, I discovered a piece of property in the Kinross township that met my needs. This was my first ever endeavor to buy raw land. It was at once exciting and a tad scary. However, barely six months after my initial purchase, I bought a second piece of property adjoining my first purchase.

I often refer to my adventures in seeking climate change prime properties as my COVID PROJECT.

Searching for and buying my first properties took place during the pandemic. I wasn’t just “holed up” in self-imposed social isolation. I was busy doing what I love to do.

Figuring things out!

People were intrigued with my strategies, my own family included. To my surprise, I was soon rewarded. The price of my initial purchase has more than doubled in a little over a year.

I’m still a novice at the business of buying land that could become the new prime property of the future.

I may not even live long enough to see my speculations come to full fruition. However, I sense that as a retiree with limited resources, I got in at just the right time. I suspect, however, that one day when my granddaughter is grown and inherits the property she’s going to find herself in a very nice position to either build a house where more and more people would like to live or sell the property for a hefty price. That’s the reason I bought it in the first place, for my granddaughter and my two grown children.

There are still many unknowns.

But while we sit back and observe Mother Nature as she relentlessly delivers one climate catastrophe after another things are heating up. More and more properties are truly becoming liabilities, too expensive to insure. More and more cities are living with infrastructures designed for a different climate model and thus hopelessly inadequate. And, more and more regions are beginning to view water as the new gold.

As a tree-hugging old hippie woman, I’ve surprised even myself.

From start to finish the COVID PROJECT was solely mine. I feel kind of smug overall. I don’t think there’s any way that I’ll lose either. Land is a precious commodity no matter how you look at it. And banks remain high on my list of predators when it comes to my sense of security. I tell everyone now that I buried my money in the ground like any good prepper would do.

This wasn’t the first time that I’ve followed my intuition.

There was a time, however, when old women didn’t get much say about much of anything. My mom, grandma, and mother-in-law could never consider such a project.

They didn’t have any money.

I’m pretty damn happy to announce, however, that old women can and do have great ideas, personal interests beyond husbands and children, and great foresight. I’m so happy that I was born in an era where women can earn their own money and choose to invest it however they please.

I’m ready for my next project.

Teresa is an author and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.



Teresa Writer
Teresa Writer

Written by Teresa Writer

Teresa is an author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. She’s also a top writer on climate change and the future.

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