Another Shooting Today in Tulsa
At Least 3 Dead and Others Injured
This is a quick response to another shooting in the U.S. today. Where else other than a war zone would there be reports almost daily of mass shootings?
We win the prize.
This one took place at a hospital campus.
There is literally no public place in the United States where people are safe from a lone stranger with a rifle walking into the building and shooting people. The story is still unfolding, but reports are that the shooter is also dead. So here’s a few questions.
Do you feel safe in America?
Are you starting to rethink where you are willing to go with your families? Do you plan to be more cautious by staying home and away from crowds?
I haven’t returned to life as normal from the pandemic yet.
I’m in the high risk group by age alone. So far, I’ve managed to be one of the few people that I know personally who hasn’t contracted COVID. Because I have gone over two years without a lot of big group activities, I plan to continue this way of life a while longer.
However, I’m beginning to think that living in America carries too much risk with or without COVID.
What do you think?
Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.