America is a Killing Machine
Warning: I’m angry!
We love violence.
We like to kill and watch people get killed. We think we draw the line at killing children, but we really don’t. We have a long legacy of killing the children of slaves, indigenous peoples, and even our own children. Lots of children die at the hands of their own parents every year.
We’re a sick society.
We love mass shootings. Whenever we’re feeling upset, agitated, angry, and a little insecure about our penises, we indulge in another mass shooting. If we really want to make a statement, cause a ruckus, get in the media limelight, then we kill 14 elementary kids and their teacher. Yep! That’s what took place this afternoon at a Texas elementary school and this is what happened afterwards.
Everyone across America dropped what they’re doing and offered prayers.
Which we ought to know by now is a waste of breath. After all, if there’s a god, he already knew that little kids were going to be shot today before the shooting even took place. Apparently, they’re expendable to god as much as they are to Americans.
Because we don’t really care.
I’ll say that once again. We don’t CARE!
If we cared, we’d have done something, ANYTHING, by now. We’ve done nothing. NOTHING! For years and years and years, we’ve done NOTHING.
We don’t really care!
We go to a lot more trouble to get laid than we do to try and solve our gun problems in this country. Screwing is almost a symbolic act. We’re impotent in all other areas, so Screw YOU!
Do I sound angry?
You bet I am. I’m so angry that I could spit a few bullets of my own. I’m so sick of this country that I’m ready to give it to the gun-toting Republicans. Who in their right mind would want to live here, be born here, grow up here, and most of all go to school here?
I’m tired. I’m ready to call it a day. I’m ready to move on to the next life, the next world. Life is not a gift.
Life is cheap in America.
Teresa Roberts is a retired educator, author, world traveler, and professional myth buster. You can find her books on Amazon.