Ain't that the truth. And, yet, they're winning, The party that democrats say is filled with ignorant followers. They must be on to something. So, why aren't we asking how they're winning?
Do you remember their tea party movement? That was kind of the equivalent of our Berners. Except the Tea Party changed the Republican Party. We thought they were just a bunch of religious hillbillies, but they got 'er done. Why aren't we paying attention to how they keep winning?
And, our progressives are so behind the times that it's embarrassing to even refer to them as progressives. Universal Health and free college has been around since the end of World War II. We've only been fighting for universal health care since Hillary and trump went head to head and Bernie suddenly was in the limelight. I had a half dozen friend who threw their vote away on that ridiculous Jill Stein after one disappointing season of fighting for health care reform.